• 866.626.7556


Why TargetED?

The transition to a college and career ready curriculum and testing program requires expanded access to digital content. To help schools fund that transition, a number of open education resource projects have been funded with the requirement that they be made available free of charge. Schools can save money by adopting digital resources and reallocate those monies to technology integration. But the increased use of chunked digital content, especially OER, is not without pitfalls. The phrase, “free like a puppy,” applies to any effort that replaces publisher cost with teacher labor to find, assemble and maintain content. TargetED provides teachers with easy, organized access to resources built for the CCSS, not just aligned to the CCSS. The standards guidance clearly states that no program or textbook that existed prior to the standards is truly aligned.

Who Would Benefit?

Unit Development is an essential activity for site-based leadership development and understanding of the structure and progression of the Common Core State Standards. But once those initial activities have been completed, teachers benefit from access to curated content, particularly OER content that gives the school the opportunity to save considerable instructional resource dollars. Schools who have invested six months or more in the transition to the CCSS would benefit most from TargetED.

What is Driving the Shift to Digital Content?

Schools must incorporate technology into daily teaching to realize the benefits. The daily use of technology in core classes correlates highly to the desirable education success measures. Daily technology use is a top-five indicator of better discipline, better attendance and increased college attendance. Every aspect of the CCSS emphasizes technology integration. Considerable technological capability is a requirement for PARCC testing administration and high quality OER resources are plentiful.

Learn More

For more information, visit the TargetED website, or call A+ Educators at 866-626-7556.


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